Accelerating Digital Transformation - Future.Industry 2023

Fritz Ferstl
Fritz Ferstl New Altair Community Member
edited February 2023 in Altair HPCWorks

Accelerating Digital Transformation

At Future.Industry 2023, we’ll explore the latest megatrends impacting our world. From electrification and the data-driven enterprise to AI-driven simulation and semiconductors, you’ll learn how the convergence of simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), and AI can unlock the full potential of your technology investments.

Day 1:

Day 1 will kick off with a variety of presentations that highlight how convergence is driving digital transformation. With a keynote from Sheryl Connelly, Leading Futurist & Global Consumer Trends Expert, Former Ford Chief Futurist, and an exciting presentation from Dr. Vikram Shyam, Futurist, NASA Glenn Research Center exploring the future of space aviation and space colonization, there’s something new to discover at every moment.

Day 2:

Day 2 will break into three parallel tracks: Frictionless AI, Engineering the Future and Next-level HPC.

Next-level HPC | Performance from EDA to Exascale: Optimize your on-premises resources or build an effective strategy for your journey to HPC in the cloud. Access expert insight, keynote presentations, and panel discussions on the latest technologies and topics such as challenges and opportunities in exascale computing, HPC’s impact on sustainability, and the move from jobs to workflows with multidimensional scheduling. Hear from our experts how Altair and our partners optimize EDA environments and improve the design-to-manufacturing process, eliminate design iterations, and — critically — reduce time-to-market. 

Join Dr. Bill Nitzberg as he redefines the future of HPC at Altair. Argonne National Laboratory’s David E. Martin explores the role HPC plays in Energy Innovation. Other exciting presentations include a cloud-themed fireside chat, breakout sessions on HPC with AI/ML, budgeting for the cloud, and more!

Save your spot: register for Future.Industry 2023 today.