Monarch Learning Series 2023 Exercise 6 - Classic Sales & Inventory Master Analysis

Altair Employee

Exercise Info
- Application (Classic vs Data Prep Studio): Data Prep Studio
- Level of Difficulty (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced): Beginner
- Skills/Features Tested: Append, Filter, GroupBy, Analyze, Join (Negative Join), Duplicate
- Systems of Record: Not Applicable
- Estimated Time to Solve: 10 mins
- Exercise files required are attached
- Classic_Multiple_Tabs.xlsx
- Classic Inventory Master.xlsx
Exercise Overview
You are a Sales Operations Analyst, and you need to analyze sales data of Classical Music Records over the last 5 months (Jan-May), and analyze your Inventory Master File of Classical Music Records to answer the following questions:
- What were the Total Sales between Jan-May?
- Which Classical Records were sold during Jan-May that are not on the Inventory Master?
- Which Classic Records are on the Inventory Master but were not sold during Jan-May?
- Please upload your answers below in the comment section for the exercise
- A Video Answer to the question will be published within 7-10 days on the Monarch Succcess Plan page in the 'Monarch Exercises' section.
Susan DeWitt said:
I hope I got the negative joins correct and not swapped!
Very good Susan!