Using Altair Monitor™ to View License Usage Plots over Time

Altair Monitor™ is a leading software tool to manage and optimize software license usage within an enterprise. Monitor provides real-time software license usage reporting for immediate information about license checkouts and availability. In addition, Monitor provides a rich set of time plots for license usage.
This article describes how to use the “Detailed Plots” history report. This is a very useful and flexible report that allows the user to restrict data plots to a number of useful selection criteria, including:
specified users
specified licenses
date ranges
History reports require that you configure the Monitor database. To do that, navigate in the web UI as follows: Admin → System → Database Information . Then choose your preferred location for the database and push the Database Control slider to “on”. Once the database is turned on you will be allowed to execute history reports.
The following web UI screen shot guides your navigation to the “Detailed Plots” history report. Click on the History tab, and then the “Usage” drop down menu to see the “Detailed Plots” menu choice. You will now have forms on the left side that allow you to select the constraints of you desired report.
The following image shows an example usage plot report. The header at the top of the page shows the selection criteria for the report. In this case we chose to plot data for user “user0033” and license “server_nc”. In the history that is plotted, we see that the license usage ramped up to a high point of 100 seats and then held there for a short while before quickly releasing all licenses.
For a more extensive demo video of Altair Monitor, see