HyperStudy Tips and Tricks: #3 - Dynamically Changing the Range of a Variable According to the Value of Other Variable(s)

Hello Design Explorers,
If the title sounds interesting, you can learn here how it can be achieved in HyperStudy.
Let's take a structural analysis use case where the analyst intends to maximize the structural performance of a component or assembly while satisfying a set of constraints, such as mass and natural frequency, through an optimal combination of material type and thickness.
Now if, for example, the part in question is being CNC milled, a minimum wall thickness is imposed for the that manufacturing process.
Var1 = Material (Aluminum, Plastic)
Var2 = thickness
Conditional range assignment is achieved by linking variables. Having said that, two dummy variables (one for each material type) are created to later be linked to the actual thickness variable.
dummy_thickness_AL = 0.8 – 4.0 mm
dummy_thickness_Plastic = 1.5 – 10.0 mm
Actual thickness is linked to dummy ones through Templex if-statement in the short form --> ( condition ) ? choice 1 : choice 2. If condition is satisfied, choice 1 is picked. Otherwise, choice 2 is taken.
( Material == "Aluminum" ) ? dummy_thickness_AL : dummy_thickness_Plastic
From the statement above, if material is Aluminum, dummy_thickness_AL is chosen. Otherwise, it is dummy_thickness_Plastic.
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Altair Team.