Are Bad I/O Patterns Slowing You Down?

You can be doing everything right — managing your HPC environment like a pro, orchestrating complex workloads, analysing performance and utilisation to get actionable results — but you can still get bogged down by the hidden bottlenecks that result from bad I/O patterns.
Maybe you tested a workflow on one or two nodes, then tried to scale it. Seems straightforward enough… but will the I/O patterns scale as expected? Not necessarily.
Early Detection Is Key
You need to find out right away about any I/O problems before they get out of hand. We call applications that have bad I/O patterns “rogue jobs” or “noisy neighbours.” The more complex a system, the more it needs to be monitored for rogue jobs and noisy neighbours so you can eradicate them before they overload shared storage. A single user or application with bad I/O can harm filesystem performance and slow down an HPC cluster for all users.
Altair Mistral™ gives you advanced visibility into what’s running today so you can plan for tomorrow and be protected against downtime and severely reduced throughput.