Mesh Biasing Preview

AM_20700 Altair Community Member
edited 2023 08 in Community Q&A

When I use biasing in "Solid Map" the preview appears flipped from what the resulting mesh looks like. For example, I set the biasing in the model below and the preview shows that higher density elements will be created at the bottom. But when I create the mesh, the higher density elements are created at the top.
What's going on?



Best Answer

  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08 Answer ✓
    AM_20700 said:

    Sure. I've attached a .hm file of a quarter of a tube.
    The top face is 2D meshed. If I use the "Solid Map" option and then set a bias, the preview and the result are reversed:



    I've also attached a video of the process.

    Thank you.

    Looks like this is model specific (I even created a tube from scratch and it seemed to work as expected) so it might be some geometry issue and/or a bug.  I have submitted it to development and I guess the workaround would be to undo the mesh if it ends up backward and change the sign on the biasing value.


  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 07

    I am not able to replicate this.  Could you share this part of your model?

  • AM_20700
    AM_20700 Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 07

    I am not able to replicate this.  Could you share this part of your model?

    Sure. I've attached a .hm file of a quarter of a tube.
    The top face is 2D meshed. If I use the "Solid Map" option and then set a bias, the preview and the result are reversed:



    I've also attached a video of the process.

    Thank you.

  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08 Answer ✓
    AM_20700 said:

    Sure. I've attached a .hm file of a quarter of a tube.
    The top face is 2D meshed. If I use the "Solid Map" option and then set a bias, the preview and the result are reversed:



    I've also attached a video of the process.

    Thank you.

    Looks like this is model specific (I even created a tube from scratch and it seemed to work as expected) so it might be some geometry issue and/or a bug.  I have submitted it to development and I guess the workaround would be to undo the mesh if it ends up backward and change the sign on the biasing value.

  • AM_20700
    AM_20700 Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 08

    Looks like this is model specific (I even created a tube from scratch and it seemed to work as expected) so it might be some geometry issue and/or a bug.  I have submitted it to development and I guess the workaround would be to undo the mesh if it ends up backward and change the sign on the biasing value.

    You're right. I tried it with 2 other models (1 sldwrk and 1 step) and it worked as expected.
    I don't know what's going on with that model.