Compose Command Query
Kaustubh Vemuri
Altair Community Member
I am currently using Compose 2021.2 to extract Microporosity values, post simulation in Inspire Cast.
This is the command used within Compose to extract Microporosity values, but the resultant matrix output contains only zeros.
readcae('C:/Users/Kaustubh/Documents/Altair/2022.2/InspireCast/analysis/0.4mm_Simulations_OutputFiles/700_15_0.4_OutputFile/castRun_S.h3d', 'Solidification', 'MICRO_POROSITY',{}, {}, {'0'}, 1);
Please could you suggest how to modify the command above, such that the resultant matrix output contains values?
could you try using the readvectobuilder command to get the sintax to extract these?