It's possible to change the mesh size of an EDEM geometry? (Cylinder, box...)

Carlos Fondevila
Carlos Fondevila Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi all,

It's possible to modigy the mesh size in an EDEM geometrie that you can create in the program? (Cylinder, box...).

When you import a geometry you can modify the mesh conditions, but I don't know if ti's possible to select or chage it in a geometry that you create in EDEM like a cylinder.


My problem is, that I amb aplling pressure with a cylinder against a product particles to compress them, and the're some particles that cross the surface of the cylinder, going indise of it.

I want to change the mesh size to try to solve this problem.




Best Answer

  • PrasadAvilala
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Carlos,


    As you mentioned the geometries created in EDEM, you won't have control over mesh.

    I would request you model all parts which required to be modeled with controlled mesh and export as .stl and import the same .stl in EDEM so that the desired quality will be maintained.


    Prasad A


  • PrasadAvilala
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Carlos,


    As you mentioned the geometries created in EDEM, you won't have control over mesh.

    I would request you model all parts which required to be modeled with controlled mesh and export as .stl and import the same .stl in EDEM so that the desired quality will be maintained.


    Prasad A

  • Carlos Fondevila
    Carlos Fondevila Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024

    Hi Carlos,


    As you mentioned the geometries created in EDEM, you won't have control over mesh.

    I would request you model all parts which required to be modeled with controlled mesh and export as .stl and import the same .stl in EDEM so that the desired quality will be maintained.


    Prasad A

    Ok Parasad, I will do that.
