Coincident Nodes between two solids for thermal simulation with AcuSolve

Juan Iradier
Juan Iradier Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I want to make a thermal simulation of a cooling plate in hyperworks with the AcuSolve Solver. The geometry would be this:



Where an aluminium cooling plate (the grey solid) is in contact with a water flow (blue volume).


The problem is that I can't get a mesh with coincident nodes between both volumes, taking into acount that for the AcuSolve simulation I need two surfaces in the interface between the solid and the liquid volume. Do you have any solution for it? 


Thanks in advance.




  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019

    Hi Juan Iradier


    I suggest the following steps


    1.  Mesh the grey part using solid map mesh

    2.  Extract face of the grey part and project it to one of the faces of the blue part

    3.  With the projected mesh as the base, do a solid map mesh or use drag elements to mesh the blue part

  • Juan Iradier
    Juan Iradier Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019

    Hello, Thank you for the reply


    I couldn't make a solid map because the solid was not mappable. Insead, I took the external surfaces of each body, delete the one that was the interface between the two volumes from the grey part and trim the interface surface of the blue body in order to have T junctions in the common edges. That way I was able to get a interface surface common to both volumes.

  • Hung Tran
    Hung Tran Altair Community Member
    edited June 2020

    Hello Juan Iradier, 


    Have you solved your problems? 


    I also facing with this problem too. 


    Please help me . 



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2020

    for this you can just mesh the 2 parts, and after they're meshed (coincident meshes), use the 'detach' panel in order to separate them. 

    You can use 'detach from' and ask HM to detach your inner mesh from the outer mesh. It will offset the nodes and create a copy.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>image.thumb.png.9705d24d20a7bf87588dfde588ddb9fc.png