
Hi i'm currently working on hypermesh tcl script
I'd like to create a node at the center of a circle defined by three nodes.
here's my script
#Select face sup nodes
set nodes {}
hm_markclear nodes 1
*createmarkpanel nodes 1
set nodes [hm_getmark nodes 1]
#create center node
tk_messageBox -message '[lindex $nodes 0] [lindex $nodes 1] [lindex $nodes 2]'
*createcenternode [lindex $nodes 0] [lindex $nodes 1] [lindex $nodes 2]
unfortunately it doesn't work and i can't understand why..
Thank you
It says 'node specified not found'
Seem that you don't pick 3 nodes.
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Hi Tinh,
i changed my script for only :
*createcenternode 9868 9869 9870
And i still have the same error message.. why ??
I forgot to mention that i import these datas from a .dat file. Maybe i need a command to call all nodes, i don't know..
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Edit :
I got the same issue each time i'm calling nodes.
same with
*vectorcreate_twonodes 9868 9869
I believe there's a specific command to import nodes
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Try select 3 nodes then input 'hm_getmark nodes 1' to see ids
If they are there but *createcenternode says 'not found', it may be due to software bug
Your hm version?
Try renumbering all nodes?
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Altair Forum User said:
So i changed my script for :
#Select face sup nodes
proc func_nodes_sup {} {
set nodes {}
hm_markclear nodes 1
*createmarkpanel nodes 1
tk_messageBox -message '[hm_getmark nodes 1]'
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Update hotfix?
My hm13 works well.
If you can't overcome, try hm13 !
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I just tried on hm 14, same issue..
well there's not so much things to do.
Thank you anyway !
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Altair Forum User said:
--- English ---
If you are facing the strange issue when you using the HyperMesh/HyperView/HyperGraph and so on...Please try to delete the following Files/Folders, then you can reset the HyperWorks-Desktop products.
First of all, please check the 'Start-in directory'.
1. Right click on HyperMesh/HyperView/HyperGraph short cut icon.
2. Hit the Property.
3. Check the 'Start-in directory'.
4. Close the all HyperMesh/HyperView/HyperGraph...
5. Delete the following Files/Folders.
・command.tcl (File)
・hmsettings.tcl (I guess this file is exist in MyDocument folder)
・hmmenu.set (File)
・batchmesher_config.cfg (File)
・hwsettings.xml (This file is referenced in HyperWorks Desktop)
・hwsettings.xml.bk (This file is used in HyperWorks Desktop)
・%USERPROFILE%\.Altair (Folder)
・%USERPROFILE%\AltairLibraries (Folder)
・%USERPROFILE%\hweDefaultWS (Folder)
・%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Altair (Folder)
・%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\.altair (Folder)
・%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp Search the files in start with 'HM' name in this folder. (Files are remain if you forced termination in before)
・\Altair (I guess this folder is exist in MyDocument folder)Note: You can move to right folder when you paste the「%USERPROFILE%」to your explorer.
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Altair Forum User said:
I just tried on hm 14, same issue..
well there's not so much things to do.
Thank you anyway !
Hm14 is very fool, don't use it.
Hm13 is the best.
Could you share the file? (just keep 3 elems at the hole and delete others)
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Finally the issue comes from the fact that the .dat comes from Catia v5
Can't explain why
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I noticed that in the .Dat file coming from CATIA v5, there were two lines creating and erasing a 'Dummy element' :
' I 831786 N ! Dummy element '
' .MAI SUPPRIME 831786 ! Remove dummy element '
Honestly i don't know what it is but it turns out that after erasing these lines the file works perfectly back.
Hope it'll help other users having the same issue.