Swap Slave/Master AutoContact using "Set of nodes"
Hello !
Facts (what i've understood)
In contact pannel, when AutoContact is selected, there is the possibility to pick 'Set of Nodes' that constrains the autocontact to be made from a surface/volume(?) and a set of nodes, respectively master and slave. Once this option picked and after choosing two components 'A' and 'B', the AutoContact tool creates for example a set of nodes on component A and a ContactSurf on component B.
My goal
Basicaly, my goal is to use a script that can force the autocontact to create the Set of Nodes on component B and Contactsurfs on component A
How ?
I found out this command *detectandcreateface2facecontacts very helpful to create Autocontact groups but working on Samcef, it actually didn't help..
Can anyone help me out ? I hope i have been clear enough in my explanations
In blue component B and in red component A to follow my example