Connect two different meshes from the same solid

Adrunodro Altair Community Member
edited January 2021 in Community Q&A


I'm meshing a propeller and I'm trying to connect a tetramesh to hexamesh. As nodes don't match, I would like to create a contact between both. All the elements belong to the same body.

Is this a good option? How could it be done?




  • Viraj_Kulkarni
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2021

    Best way is to begin with splitting the solids using solid edit options-if you dont have them separated(Make sure that all the solids have shared surfaces)

    . Then you can hex mesh the ones needed. Followed by tet meshing-with hybrid option on-i.e. have the 3d type mixed- and then you wil have pyramids for transition between hex and tet elems.


    You can also put your own 2d tria mesh and then use the first Tetramesh option as well.


  • Adrunodro
    Adrunodro Altair Community Member
    edited January 2021

    Best way is to begin with splitting the solids using solid edit options-if you dont have them separated(Make sure that all the solids have shared surfaces)

    . Then you can hex mesh the ones needed. Followed by tet meshing-with hybrid option on-i.e. have the 3d type mixed- and then you wil have pyramids for transition between hex and tet elems.


    You can also put your own 2d tria mesh and then use the first Tetramesh option as well.


    Hi Viraj, 

    Many thanks for your answer.

    I have already split the solid but I can't do what you said because the edge of the solid I want to mesh with tetras is a circle that is connected to surface I previously meshed as a mappable solid. I don't think there is any way to connect the nodes. I'm attaching a screenshot with the problematic area.

  • Viraj_Kulkarni
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2021
    Adrunodro said:

    Hi Viraj, 

    Many thanks for your answer.

    I have already split the solid but I can't do what you said because the edge of the solid I want to mesh with tetras is a circle that is connected to surface I previously meshed as a mappable solid. I don't think there is any way to connect the nodes. I'm attaching a screenshot with the problematic area.

    The image you shared-shows the solids though belonging to same body are not connected. i.e. not having shared surfaces.

    For example-bottom image shows 2 solids not connected/not having shared surfaces


    You need to do a boolean operation to get them connected-see the yellow shared surface



    You will probably need to delete the cad and then remesh again.


    If you want to hack a solution, you can delete couple of layers of tet elements near the hex mesh. Then create faces for both hex and tet mesh. Delete all the other faces except the ones where you need to connect mesh..i.e. on hex mesh top face and tet mesh bottom face. Then create a 2d surface mesh from the nodes using ruled mesh. Then tet mesh using this enclosed 2d mesh to create a hybrid mesh in between.

    Best way still is to repair CAD first

  • Adrunodro
    Adrunodro Altair Community Member
    edited January 2021

    Is it possible to use a mesh not associated with any geometry (like after rotating elements) as seed when meshing a solid?