Correct geometry for honeycomb

Andrea_20669 Altair Community Member
edited May 2022 in Community Q&A


I am wondering if this is the correct way of modeling honeycomb core and face skins. Should I take into account that for the 2D shell elements HyperMesh considers the mid-surfaces and therefore place the face skins at a proper distance taking into account their thickness?

Perhaps the figures below (with and without 3D visualization for shells) help clarify my question.

Thanks for your help!



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2022

    your honeycomb is a 3D mesh?


    If yes you can create them sharing nodes, hence connected completely. Extend your solid mesh and extract these top and bottom faces.


    In your picture, you would need to connect the meshes somehow (tied contact .ie).


  • Andrea_20669
    Andrea_20669 Altair Community Member
    edited May 2022

    your honeycomb is a 3D mesh?


    If yes you can create them sharing nodes, hence connected completely. Extend your solid mesh and extract these top and bottom faces.


    In your picture, you would need to connect the meshes somehow (tied contact .ie).


    Thank you, Adriano!

    I have followed your instructions and using the function "faces" I have extracted the faces of the honeycomb core.

    In this case, as you can see the two face skin panels (2D shells) are half inside and half outside the solid elements of the core. Is it correct? The penetration check gives no warning of collisions.image