Monarch V14 Excel Issue

Elif_20666 Altair Community Member
edited 2019 19 in Community Q&A



We recently switched to v14 from v10. Since I am having an issue with projects created using Monarch v14, we did not encounter this problem when we were using v10.


When exporting the summaries to excel, on opening the excel workbook, the excel file shows as repaired, when we make changes to the excel file, on trying to save the document due to the repair we have to Save the file again so have to overwrite the original excel file (Save As). This seems to happen when a summary that has 2 rows, on next export only has 1 row.


Can someone advise how we can overcome this as it seems a little odd to have to re create the workbook just because a new row as been added to a summary.




  • CPorthouse
    Altair Employee
    edited 2019 20
    There was a defect for this, but I cannot remember which version of 14 corrected it.  You will need to upgrade to a more recent version than the one you are currently using.  Monarch v15.3 is the current release level.

    Chris Porthouse
    Senior Implementation & Integration Engineer
    Original Message:
    Sent: 06-19-2019 05:02 AM
    From: Elif Halil
    Subject: Monarch V14 Excel Issue



    We recently switched to v14 from v10. Since I am having an issue with projects created using Monarch v14, we did not encounter this problem when we were using v10.


    When exporting the summaries to excel, on opening the excel workbook, the excel file shows as repaired, when we make changes to the excel file, on trying to save the document due to the repair we have to Save the file again so have to overwrite the original excel file (Save As). This seems to happen when a summary that has 2 rows, on next export only has 1 row.


    Can someone advise how we can overcome this as it seems a little odd to have to re create the workbook just because a new row as been added to a summary.

