Create surface mesh from point cloud

Ash_20648 Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A

Is it possible to create surface mesh from point cloud? I am able to generate nodes using below tcl code but I would also give it a specific node id and create surface mesh using those nodes. I have attached an image with the nodes I generated using the XYZ coords.

proc p_ReadCloudPointFile {FilePath} { 	set fpt [open $FilePath] 	set buf [string map {, .} [read $fpt]] 	close $fpt 	set lines [split $buf \n] 	foreach line $lines { 		if {[scan $line "%f %f %f" n x y]==3} { 			*createnode $n $x $y 		} 	} }  set fileTypes { 		{"Data"		{.dat} } 		{"All files"	  *    } } 	 set file_name  [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $fileTypes -title "DataFile" ] p_ReadCloudPointFile $file_name;

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