Split Mesh at common face

How does one Split Mesh in Hypermesh? For example, I have two tetra meshed solid bodies that share a rectangular face. I wish to Split the mesh at the common face, and the reconnect nodes along the outer boundary.
I heard it can be done easily. Can someone outline the menu procedure to perform this task in Hypermesh? and likewise how-to in Hyperworks X.
Lastly, is there a toggle to switch between Hypermesh and Hyperworks X GUI?
An Hyperworks X geometry (with and without mesh overlay) is shown with the rectangular surface with cutout in middle (orange), that must have a split mesh, except along its outer edges. For this learning example, the intent is for the BLOCK mesh to WELD mesh, and BASE mesh connected to WELD mesh. But BLOCK mesh disconnected from BASE mesh, except along weld edges.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- You can split the mesh from following panel:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
' 3D (for 3D mesh) > edit element > split '
- You can also refer to the following post for more information:
- There is no toggle switch between HM Classic and Unity (HW X) GUI.
Thank you
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Thank you, I will investigate. I was searching the wrong term in Help. Should have searched for 'detach', which I recall a user no longer here once mentioning.
Detach Panel [HyperMesh]
Use the Detach panel to detach elements from the surrounding structure. You can detach elements from a portion of your model so that it can be tra...
Detach Panel [HyperWorks 2019 X]
Use the Detach panel to detach elements from the surrounding structure. You can detach elements from a portion of your model so that it can be tra...
Detach Elements [HyperWorks 2019 X]
Use the Detach tool to detach elements from the surrounding structure. You can detach elements from a portion of your model so that it can be tran...
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Thanks again for help. Hypermesh and HyperWorks X share the same element detach GUI and function.
On the other hand, Simlab 'Separate' will separate the selected face, i.e. duplicating nodes across the entire face -- except for edges shared with another body. No need to re-connect nodes along edge of a solid weld. Also, Simlab allows one to join the mesh for two or more bodies. By not joining bodies at shared face, but joining only body-to-weld, weld-to-body, etc there can be no need to 'separate' the face. With Hyperworks X, joining via same procedure joins ALL, and thus requiring detach of the shared face (where only in contact, but not glued).
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@darad: I used 'Hyperworks X' on a .... Playstation and 'Hyperworks Classic' on a Workstation
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