I get "Error creating new process" problem
Hello, I am having trouble with "error creating new process" error when I try to run. I have controlled ram availability, disc space and tried reinstalling the program. I use 2021 version for university students. I uploaded my workpiece to attachments.
Best regards...
Please check if you have set up your model run directory into some shared drive or virtual online location. That might cause you trouble showing such type of error. I ran a model that you have shared and it works perfectly fine.
Milan Raval
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In the Inspire platform software (Inspire, Cast, Form, Mold, etc.), the folder where the solution is realized is created under my documents folder by default. Solutions may not start due to your Windows account name containing Turkish characters. In this case, open the File -> Preferences… window in the software interface. By selecting the Run Options section, select the new folder that you created before in the Run history path section and does not contain Turkish characters.
more information --> https://blog.s-t.com.tr/2020/05/16/altair-ogrenci-versiyonu-kurulum-sonrasi-calismiyorsa-ne-yapmalisiniz/