Exporting Summary using .COM with Drill Up/Down Feature

Al_22614 Altair Community Member
edited September 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello All:

Is it possible to Export a Summary to Excel using .COM automation with Drill Up/Down Feature invoked?  The Drill Up/Down Feature is good when the Excel file is large and the user may want to keep certain Key Groups collapsed.  See Screenshot below.

Many thanks

Al Rice



  • Steve_Caiels
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2020
    Hi Al,

    Yes - you should be able to enable this in all version of Monarch and export it using COM automation if you have the Automation enabled license.

    For version 15 and 2020 (I believe it is very similar for all versions after 10.5) . . .

    - Define your summary in the normal way
    - Go to the Export section and chose 'Export Design'.  
    - Go to the 'advanced' panel on the Excel Output settings
    - Select 'Include Outline to enable Drill Up/Down in Excel
    - Optionally, select your required drill state in the Summary View panel.
    - Save the Model (this contains the summary definition)
    - Save the Project (this contains the export definition)

    The project stores the export definition, including export types, paths, append/overwrite and formatting settings.  You can run the pre-defined export by opening the project in Monarch or using the Project version on the automation line (subject to license):

    To export all defined exports:
    "C:\Program Files\Altair Monarch 2020\Monarch.exe" /prj:"S:\My Projects\Sample.dprj" /PXALL

    To export a single defined export:
    "C:\Program Files\Altair Monarch 2020\Monarch.exe" /prj:"S:\My Projects\Sample.dprj" /PX:MyDefinedExportName

    Best regards,

    Steve Caiels
    Professional Services
    Original Message:
    Sent: 09-26-2020 06:10 PM
    From: Al Rice
    Subject: Exporting Summary using .COM with Drill Up/Down Feature

    Hello All:

    Is it possible to Export a Summary to Excel using .COM automation with Drill Up/Down Feature invoked?  The Drill Up/Down Feature is good when the Excel file is large and the user may want to keep certain Key Groups collapsed.  See Screenshot below.

    Many thanks

    Al Rice