Leave a part out of 3D print

Florence Maillet
Florence Maillet Altair Community Member
edited June 2021 in Community Q&A

Hi. In Inspire 3D, does anyone know how to leave a part out of the additive manufacturing? Let's say the .stmod contains 2 components, a little base (horizontal) plate and then a little vertical plate, which is the one to be printed. Automatically when running the analysis, both components are part of the process, how do I tell the software to leave the base "as it is" and only print the vertical plate? Thanks! 


  • MilanRaval
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021


    You can suppress the bottom plate from View>Model configuration and uncheck the box in front of bottom plate from Model configuration. That way you can only work with the vertical part(which you need to print).


    Milan Raval 

  • Florence Maillet
    Florence Maillet Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021

    Thanks for the trick Milan. This will remove the bottom plate from the printing process but not from the model, right (I mean, the bottom plate is needed)? Unfortunately the "Model configuration" under View is greyed, like not available, which I am assuming must be for the version maybe (using Inspire 2019.4). Will download and install the latest 2021 Inspire now and see if that helps ... Regards.

  • Florence Maillet
    Florence Maillet Altair Community Member
    edited June 2021


    You can suppress the bottom plate from View>Model configuration and uncheck the box in front of bottom plate from Model configuration. That way you can only work with the vertical part(which you need to print).


    Milan Raval 

    Hi again Milan. We did install the latest Inspire 2021.0.2 and are still not able to remove the base plate from the printing process without removing it from the model. (Or we leave it and it is printed, or we remove it with Model Configuration and it is removed from the model too). For this project we need the base plate to remain in the Radioss model (and heat exchange with the vertical plate) but we should be priting only the vertical one. Of course we might be doing something wrong. Can anyone in the Inspire team suggest a workaround or explain the step we are missing? Thanks a lot.