Quick TetraMesh problems

I'm a beginner user of HyperMesh and OptiStruct and I have to create a 3D mesh of a solid CAD (1 component) to perform a linear static analysis and to do a lattice topological optimization later on.
After the import of the .step component, I tried to mesh it with the Quick TetraMesh tool but it generates a 'meshed component' different from the first one, as well as a new material.
How can I make the 3D mesh directly on my component (as I can do through 'Volume tetra' tool by the onglet 'Elems to Surf/Solid Comp')?
Or, how can I manage the meshed component and the new material created in order to complete the analysis?
Thank you in advance,
You can use panel 'organize' (hot key Shift+F11) to move tetra elements to your component
And then assign property, material to the comp.