Feko compatibility for multi-wavelength model problems (aka MOM and Integral Surfaces)

I'm looking for a 3D EM software based on Method-of-Moments applied to Integral Surface Equations in order to solve the following problems (as fast and as accurate as possible):
1. Electrically small antenna simulations mounted onto large metallic platforms: antenna dimensions << wavelength, platform size ~ several wavelengths.
2. Very large model simulations (s21 simulations): model size >> wavelength (dozens up to hundreds of wavelengths)
3. Large scatterers.
I was wondering if FEKO is the right software for these problems or is there a better alternative.
Hello Gal,
yes, Feko is the right softeare for eletrically large structures. Use the MLFMM approach instead of MoM. MLFMM is very efficient for large strucures and has the same accuracy as MoM.
For extremly large scatterers you have the additional option to use asymptotic methods like PO, LEPO, UTD, fUTD and RLGO.