How to optimise only the internal structure whilst keeping the external structure unchanged?

Shay Altair Community Member
edited February 2022 in Community Q&A

I am investigating a stator blade as part of a project and I am trying to optimise only the internal structure of the blade. How would I go about this? I would like the internal and external structures to be joined so that they can transfer loads during the optimisation. 

I was thinking of creating a shell and a solid component and only optimising the solid component as the 'design region' and leaving the shell as the 'non-design region.'

I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions as I have not come across any tutorials/videos with a similar scenario as mine. 



  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022

    Yes, I have used a similar approach many times before were you designate parts of the same model as non-design space.  Done this a lot with interface or connection areas where you do not want the design to change. 

  • Shay
    Shay Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022

    Yes, I have used a similar approach many times before were you designate parts of the same model as non-design space.  Done this a lot with interface or connection areas where you do not want the design to change. 

    do you have any resources (videos, tutorials, etc.) that may be helpful? Or any suggestions/helpful tips that you can offer as I'm not familiar with 'interface or connection areas.' I am fairly certain ill be able to designate non-design and design spaces and I was going to trial and error until the design looked right. 

  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022
    Shay said:

    do you have any resources (videos, tutorials, etc.) that may be helpful? Or any suggestions/helpful tips that you can offer as I'm not familiar with 'interface or connection areas.' I am fairly certain ill be able to designate non-design and design spaces and I was going to trial and error until the design looked right. 

    The interface or connections was just an example of how I have used in in the past.  For example I want material where the part I am optimizing bolts on to another part so I make that area non-design space.

    You should be able to do exactly like you said.  Mesh the blade with a shell and solid mesh and only designate the solid property in the optimization setup.
    I take it you are doing topology optimization?
    This should cover the basics concepts you need I think:

  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2022
    Shay said:

    do you have any resources (videos, tutorials, etc.) that may be helpful? Or any suggestions/helpful tips that you can offer as I'm not familiar with 'interface or connection areas.' I am fairly certain ill be able to designate non-design and design spaces and I was going to trial and error until the design looked right. 

    This one might help too.

  • Shay
    Shay Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022

    Thank you for your helpful comments and the resources you shared. I just wanted to show you my progress incase you were interested. I managed to use the Pshell and Psolid property and 2D/3D meshing to split the component. I am very pleased with my progress although the simulation is not very realistic. I will look to refine the mesh and apply more realistic loads in the future.