Error #312 Negative or Large Compliance

Shay Altair Community Member
edited February 2022 in Community Q&A


I've checked the forum on this issue and I see some problems are regarding BCs, material properties and connectors and I am not sure which problem I am facing.

I have attached a screenshot of the error message and attached the output and fem file. 

I have tried to add more BCs in case it was under constrained but this did not solve the problem. I will not change the material properties to see if this fixes the problem. 




Best Answer

  • Brett Ramsey_20633
    Brett Ramsey_20633 New Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    The likely cause is that your model is under constrained. This means that your problem will have no stiffness/ infinite compliance in this direction. I would check your BCs and make sure they make sense. It could also me missing/ incorrect material properties and/ or contacts. 

    Hope this helps


  • Brett Ramsey_20633
    Brett Ramsey_20633 New Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022 Answer ✓

    The likely cause is that your model is under constrained. This means that your problem will have no stiffness/ infinite compliance in this direction. I would check your BCs and make sure they make sense. It could also me missing/ incorrect material properties and/ or contacts. 

    Hope this helps

  • Shay
    Shay Altair Community Member
    edited February 2022

    The likely cause is that your model is under constrained. This means that your problem will have no stiffness/ infinite compliance in this direction. I would check your BCs and make sure they make sense. It could also me missing/ incorrect material properties and/ or contacts. 

    Hope this helps

    Thank you so much. Adding more constraints fixed the problems although I didn't check how changing properties would affect the final solution.