FAQ 47. What to do when you get elements not defined in template error?

Hi Rahul,
I used a customized template based on Nastran for Samcef output. (Yes, there is Samcef template in HW, I see, but we don't use it for historical reasons!).
In original Nastran template, there is no Pyramid elements (see sreenshot HM12_Elems_types_Nastran.png).
However, with OptiStruct template, I see Pyramid elements already defined (see HM12_Elems_types_Optistruct.png).
For FE output, I can output Pyramid elements with my template, but there is alway error message like 'There are .... element not defined in template...'
My question is: How to add Pyramid elements into my customized template in order to remove this error message?
I do all search within HW help, but I found nothing about that.
Thanks in advance,
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I tested adding these template commands into file 3D_elems_c.tpl, and after reload nastran userprofile i saw CPYRA in elem types panel, and it can export pyramid
Hope this's helpful to you
*elements(205,1,'CPYRA','')*format()*string('CPYRA ')*field(integer,id,8)*field(integer,node1.id,8)*field(integer,node2.id,8)*field(integer,node3.id,8)*field(integer,node4.id,8)*field(integer,node5.id,8)*end()*output()I think you used your customized template not as global template (as shown in global panel) so the error message raised
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Hi Rahul,
Juste send file to you (HM12_test_template_20140828.zip).
Thank you,
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An expert here suggests the following, can you please try this and let me know?
Please add the type along with config in template element block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
As the above is processed for all types of pyramid config, it is assumed that its not for exporting
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Hi Rahul,
It's fantastic! It works
/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
Thank you so much!
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I've got the same problems with the export of Pyramid-elements in Nastran.
After reading this post I tried to do this for pyramid5 (CPYRA) and pyramid13 (CPYRAMID).
The result is that I can see them in hypermesh in the tab elem types.
When I export the model to a .dat-file I even get no error messages.
But when I import the .dat-file again in hypermesh or when I want to calculate it with Nastran, I see that hypermesh hasn't exported the pyramid-elements.
Is it possible to help me with it ?
Thank you in advance !
Kind regards,
Jos Duelen
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Altair Forum User said:
I've got the same problems with the export of Pyramid-elements in Nastran.
After reading this post I tried to do this for pyramid5 (CPYRA) and pyramid13 (CPYRAMID).
The result is that I can see them in hypermesh in the tab elem types.
When I export the model to a .dat-file I even get no error messages.
But when I import the .dat-file again in hypermesh or when I want to calculate it with Nastran, I see that hypermesh hasn't exported the pyramid-elements.
Is it possible to help me with it ?
Thank you in advance !
Kind regards,
Jos Duelen
Hi Jos,
Before importing your dat file, please check it by using a text editor to see if you have already the pyramid elements there ?
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Hi Jos,
It seems that the pyramid element was supported only with Siemens NX Nastran, not MSC Nastran. I used this type of element with SAMCEF solver.
If you want to export pyramid element into Nastran, you need customized a little feoutput template.
1. Copy 'nastran' & 'common_nas_os' folders from <ALTAIR>\templates\feoutput into your personal folder, say C:\hw for example.
2. Create the following file within 'include' folder (say pyra.tpl):
*string('CPYRAM ')
*if([propertyid == 0])
*string('CPYRAM ')
*if([propertyid == 0])
*string(' ') *end()
*string(' ')
*output()3. Add a new line within the file 'general' :
*include(pyra.tpl)Just after the line '*include(2D_elem.tpl)'
4. Try this TCL script to export NASTRAN:
set tpl 'C:/hw/nastran/general'
set output 'C:/hw/nastran.dat'
hm_answernext yes;
*feoutputwithdata '$tpl' '$output' 0 0 1 1 0In my test HM model (see attachment), I have only two pyramid element. Here's the NASTRAN output:
$$ GRID Data
GRID 1 60.0 -7.11-1520.0
GRID 2 60.0 -3.55-1510.0
GRID 3 70.0 -3.77-1520.0
GRID 4 70.0 -3.55-1510.0
GRID 5 65.0 6.0 15.0
GRID 100 30.0 20.0 20.0
GRID 101 30.0 20.0 10.0
GRID 102 40.0 20.0 20.0
GRID 103 40.0 20.0 10.0
GRID 104 35.0 26.0 15.0
GRID 105 30.0 20.0 15.0
GRID 106 35.0 20.0 20.0
GRID 107 32.5 23.0 17.5
GRID 108 35.0 20.0 10.0
GRID 109 32.5 23.0 12.5
GRID 110 40.0 20.0 15.0
GRID 111 37.5 23.0 17.5
GRID 112 37.5 23.0 12.5
CPYRAM 1 1 2 1 3 4 5
CPYRAM 100 1 101 100 102 103 104 105
106 110 108 109 107 111 112
MAT1 1210000.0 0.3 7.8-9
ENDDATAMy output is not checked yet with NX NASTRAN. So test it carrefully before using!
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Thank you for your quick response !
I did the things you said. And it is true that I can find the pyramid elements in my .dat-file.
But when I import the Dat-file in hypermesh again or when I calculate my model and review the result in hyperview, the pyramid-elements are gone.
Do you know what the causeb can be of this?
Thank you in advance!
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank you for your quick response !
I did the things you said. And it is true that I can find the pyramid elements in my .dat-file.
But when I import the Dat-file in hypermesh again or when I calculate my model and review the result in hyperview, the pyramid-elements are gone.
Do you know what the causeb can be of this?
Thank you in advance!
Which solver do you use for this pyramid elements?
When you loss pyramid at importing into HM, that's maybe the problem of HM's reading. I don't know about this.
I make my mesh with pyramid elements within HM. I got the mesh for SAMCEF solver by using my customized template and I can post-process with Hyperview without any problem with pyramid elements.
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I calculate with the solver NX Nastran Version 9.0
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Hello Everyone,
I'm getting the same error while exporting the solve deck to ansys, Nastran. I'm working on friction stir welding, for which I'm using SOLID226 elements(HEX20 and penta15). And while exporting the mesh, I'm getting error as 'Elements not defined in the template' and after which it is asking save invalid elements to user mark. Kindly help me in this regard
Thank you
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