TCL code for surface fillet removing in a series of fillets and filling the gap.

Rachit Semalty
Rachit Semalty Altair Community Member
edited April 2021 in Community Q&A

Hi all. I am trying to remove a surface fillet, from a series of joined surface fillets, using the command *surfacefilletremove.

The command is working fine for single isolated fillet but problem arises when I try to use it for defeaturing one fillet from a series of fillets.

The problem is that I need to select the two opposite lines of the fillet surface for free edge.


1) How do I use TCL code to select boundary lines of a surface?

2) How would I know that which two of the four boundary lines are parallel and perpendicular to the fillet direction?

3) New free edges are created when one of the fillet in a series of fillets is defeatured resulting in an open geometry as shown below. 

image   image

Is there any way to fix it using TCL at the same time of creation of fillet? If not, then how may I select the three edges to create the filler surface using TCL code?


Thanks and regards,


2.PNG 28.3K


  • Rogerio Nakano_21179
    Rogerio Nakano_21179 New Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021


    I have no experience with that command, but I would like to know why you need to create tcl script to defeature surface component.

    Within the preprocessor you could do it with the defeature/cleanup options.



  • Rachit Semalty
    Rachit Semalty Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Hi @Rogerio Nakano

    My project is to identify intersections among mid-surfaces prior to meshing them and to remove them. For that I want something that may fix the above problems.

    For problem 1) I am using hm_getsurfaceedges command.

    For problem 2) I will sort lines on the basis of lengths and select largest two lines for extending the adjacent surface and the remaining two as free edges. It should work most of the time, though not always.

    For problem 3) I am still wondering! I am thinking to auto cleanup complete geometry once all intersections are removed to fill new free edges but that is not exactly what I want as meshing quality will be poor later on.

    So, any help will be appreciated. If any friend of yours may help please let him know about my problems.



  • Rachit Semalty
    Rachit Semalty Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Hi all. @tinh , @Q.Nguyen-Dai , @Adriano Koga , is any help possible? Even half a hint will be good.



  • Hypermesh User
    Hypermesh User Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021

    Hi Rachit,

      I think, this command will be use full.  *createfilletmidlines




  • Rachit Semalty
    Rachit Semalty Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021

    Hi Rachit,

      I think, this command will be use full.  *createfilletmidlines




    Hi. Thanks for your help but it was not exactly what I am looking for. Still I may use it somewhere else. Again thanks for your reply.

    Is there any command to reverse the effect of this command? For example if I have created mid-lines of fillets using above command and have deleted the fillet tangent edges, is there any way I may bring the removed tangent edges back? I mean may I reverse the effect of above command? Other than undo command :-) .




  • Hypermesh User
    Hypermesh User Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021

    Hi. Thanks for your help but it was not exactly what I am looking for. Still I may use it somewhere else. Again thanks for your reply.

    Is there any command to reverse the effect of this command? For example if I have created mid-lines of fillets using above command and have deleted the fillet tangent edges, is there any way I may bring the removed tangent edges back? I mean may I reverse the effect of above command? Other than undo command :-) .





      I have checked. I didnt find anything that you are looking for. (other than undo).

    If I found anything I will let you know.