What description is used in HX, Eulerian or Lagrangian?

Hi, I am very curious that what type of description is used in HyperXtrude. If Lagrangian description is used, what's the solution for the extreme mesh distortion and deformation during the extrusion, especially in extrusion with flat die? Thanks a lot.
HyperXtrude uses the Eulerian description. The mesh will not be distorted in this approach (stationary mesh and results 'move across the mesh'.
Best Regards
Jan0 -
Hi, I read in a lot of papers that HyperXtrude uses an ALE approach. I would like to know when both lagrangian and eulerian methods are utilized. More in detail, which are the regions whose behaviour is described with them?
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HyperXtrude solver in Arbitrary Eulerian Lagrangian (ALE) framework.Hence taking advantage from both formulations. After simulation, we update mesh in profile region based on computed velocity imbalances.