Difference between "fixed" & "floated"
Hi everyone,
after some troubles with meshing my 3D CAD model, I handle it now 8-).
However I don't understand some details of the 3D CFD TETRAMESH PANEL, after done tutorials.
It's clear to choose between the options w/ & w/o BL, but what is the difference of FIXED and FLOATED BLs?
Thanks for your help !!!
You can specify some elements to be fixed, and others to be floatable. A fixed tria-quad element is one that must be exactly represented as a face of a tetra/penta-pyramid/hexa element in the final mesh. A floatable element is one whose nodes locations are used, but the exact connectivity of those nodes can be modified if it produces a better mesh. Unless you need a special mesh type (for example surface layers of pentas/hexas), you should select as fixed only those elements that must match a pre-existing mesh, leaving the rest floatable. If the bounding surface contains quad elements, and if these quad elements are defined as fixed elements, then a first layer of elements is generated on the boundary, and pyramid elements are generated from the quad faces. However, when quad elements are defined as float elements, they are split into two trias, and the tetra meshing proceeds normally.
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Thank You!
I guess, now I realize the difference /emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>!!!!