How can I change the orientation of the event to reconcile it with my model?

Niraj Mali
Niraj Mali Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A

I have built my model without using the wizards and the orientation of my model and the path in the J-turn event is different. How can I change the orientation of the event path/road so it aligns with mine?

Best Answer

  • AnanthK
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Niraj - You can rotate the road reference marker by clicking on it and re-orienting it with one of the 3 global axes, or using any reference point if it doesnt align with the global axes. 





  • AnanthK
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Niraj - You can rotate the road reference marker by clicking on it and re-orienting it with one of the 3 global axes, or using any reference point if it doesnt align with the global axes. 




  • Niraj Mali
    Niraj Mali Altair Community Member
    edited August 2022

    Hi Niraj - You can rotate the road reference marker by clicking on it and re-orienting it with one of the 3 global axes, or using any reference point if it doesnt align with the global axes. 




    Thank you, Ananth for your help. I tried your suggestion but in the double lane change event, the flat road aligned with the model but the cones didn't. Also, the event didn't proceed further than the initial 0-time step. There were warnings about row deficiency and redundant constraints. Should I deactivate those joints and run the event? The last message printed was,


    Execute analysis [TRANSIENT Simulation for Maneuver 1]...
    INFO: Starting SMP run with up to 18 threads.
    WARNING: Error in principal J for body [id=30109]: Ji+Jj<Jk!
    J=(22.592, 950.413, 856.453) in body CG principal inertia frame.
    Execution continues but the results, if dynamic analysis, may be incorrect!

    INFO: Analysis model processed.


    What may be the cause and how can I mitigate this error?