probelm with automesh on *.stl file
I have a poblem when meshing a *.stl file with the automesh function at HyperMesh 12.0.
As seen in the pictures below the automesh adds some trias in a wave shape to certain edges, which are not in the *.stl file. It seems like there is a problem meshing some 90° angles.
Here you can find the .hm file with the fnished automesh:
It would be nice when someone has some idea/solution how to solve the problem.
Since I am new to Hypermesh a detailed description would be very helpful.
Hi Tim,
The problem is probably because STL is already a tria mesh, usually of very low quality elements to capture the features of a geometry.
I would need your STL file to help you with the settings you need for automesh,
For a quick solution however, you can create surface geometry from the stl using geom > surfaces > from FE, and then automesh the surfaces.
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Hi Rahul
Thanks for your fast response.
Here you can find the STL file0 -
It is sometimes not possible to capture an stl geometry accurately by meshing, it is best to go to the source of the geometry and export in geometry formats.
I tried 2d > shrinkwrap with very good results, see image below, you can also perhaps try the loose wrap option to see if that geometry is acceptable for you.
Remember to create a new component and make it current before you start the shrink wrap option,you can then after a shrinkwrap mesh the elements with trias etc as well.