Minim angle of tria face from penta element (value)
Hi all,
Recently I have tried to make one script that will give me some information about all penta6 elements in my model (min/max angle for tria/quad faces).
By using the attached script, I am not satisfied with my message because the min/max angle are the same for both (tria/quad faces).
Is there a way to get the minim/maxim angle for tria/quad faces of penta elements? What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your time.
because min/max values returned are of those elements, neither refer to tria face nor quad face
means => return minangle(quad face, tria face), maxangle(quad face, tria face).
I am not sure whether there is an available tcl function for those values.
But you can loop through penta6 elems, calculate angle of tria faces and quad faces of each element based on vector multiply,
so you can find min/max value.
Another way easier (but not recommended), is to hook into message bar. Because if you check min/max angle of tria faces, quad faces by F10 panel, the value is shown on message bar. We can take that value by command:
set min_value [lindex [.mainFrame.bottom.message_label cget -text] end]
anyway, the message is shown by a timer, so you cannot get it right after invoke command *elementtestinterangle
-> you need a timer to get it, and this make your tcl code messy
Another way, if you make face on all penta6 element, you can get min/max from that face (2D elems). But hypermesh not support making Voxel interior face
looping through each elem and make face is to much time consuming also