Inspire PolyFoam - Error has occurred during simulation?

James Lewis
James Lewis Altair Community Member
edited 2023 09 in Community Q&A

Hi there,


I did a PolyFoam analysis, but a error suddenly appear like: PolyFoamSolver - Error has occurred during simulation.

Anyone can help, what should I do to dissolve this problem?



  • MilanRaval
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08

    Hello Jemes,

    Can you create a service now ticket? and add your model to it so a tech expert can take a look at it.

  • James Lewis
    James Lewis Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 09

    Hello Jemes,

    Can you create a service now ticket? and add your model to it so a tech expert can take a look at it.



    Thanks, but I do not know how to execute that procedure (create service now ticket).

    Can you instruct me more how to do it?