Hypermesh - TCL explanation
Hi everyone,
short premise: I'm totally new to Hypermesh.
I am working on a project and I was given a script to automatically generate a mesh to be exported for a subsequent CFD analysis.
The lines I'm struggling in understanding are the following:
*createstringarray 2 'tet: 35 1.2 2 0 0.8 0 0' 'cfd: 118 0.008 10 1.15 0'
*createmark components 1 'Wall-Inner-Rotor' 'Wall-Outer-Rotor'
*createmark components 2 'Interface' 'Inflow-Rotor'
*tetmesh components 1 3 components 2 0 1 2
I'm interested in the meaning 'tet' and 'cfd' parameters. Could anyone help me?
Hi Lorenzo,
You can get this information from 'HyperWorks Help Home' section.
For tetmesh you can check here: https://altairhyperworks.com/hwhelp/Altair/2019/help/hwd/topics/reference/hm/_tetmesh.htm?zoom_highlightsub=tetmesh
Thank you