Round up numbers on legend

Javad Mehrmashhadi_22520
Javad Mehrmashhadi_22520 Altair Community Member
edited July 2022 in Community Q&A

I have to cut the upper limit of legend on my contour plot on HyperWorks HV. The legend numbers are randomly distributed based on the number of levels. IS there a way to automatically adjust the level so we have a nicer and rounded numbers on legend?

For instance the changing the legend from [0,57, 114, 171,229,...] to [0,50,100,...] or any other rounded numbers.


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022
    You can adjust the max value of the legend to get a rounded value based o your number of levels. Inside the contour panel, there are a few options for legemd, such as 'Max'. Define it as a rounded number, and then your intermediate values should be better as well. You may also want to define the min value as 0.0