generating component for HyperStudy in Flux - magnet losses not available as input only as outputs

Melih Ayyildiz_22506
Melih Ayyildiz_22506 Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A


I would like to generate a component for a HyperStudy coupling according to this tutorial that is attached. On page 104, i have to select certain objects from the lists as inputs. Unfortunately, all the magnet losses are just listed as component outputs but not as inputs. I am assuming, that I might have forgotten something before doing this step. How can I solve this problem?



Best Answer

  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓


    To compute the losses on the magnet, you use a sensor ? there is a macro that you can use to do the analysis of 2D curve. From this macor you can get :min, mean, max, min RMS value of the losses in the magnet as I/O parameters.  Once you have these parameters there is a way to get it as inputs.

    Just one comment, you want to use the losses as inputs and outputs for your model ?



  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓


    To compute the losses on the magnet, you use a sensor ? there is a macro that you can use to do the analysis of 2D curve. From this macor you can get :min, mean, max, min RMS value of the losses in the magnet as I/O parameters.  Once you have these parameters there is a way to get it as inputs.

    Just one comment, you want to use the losses as inputs and outputs for your model ?


  • Melih Ayyildiz_22506
    Melih Ayyildiz_22506 Altair Community Member
    edited December 2023

    Thank you for your reply. Until now I have no sensors to compute the magnet losses. I just started learning Flux recently and I am following the tutorials until now.

    Just one comment, you want to use the losses as inputs and outputs for your model ?

    No, I just want the magnet losses as an input for the HyperStudy model. I was just suprised that I was able to choose them as a output but not as an input.

    Until now, I have sensor to calculate the component and magnet temperatures but not the losses.


    The losses have been so far only added as a IO Parameter, like this: 


    I have just followed the instructions on the tutorial and I was quite suprised that the expression for the formula chosen for all the individual magnet losses is just "1".  This expression was give by the tutorial.

    Could it be that the tutorial has some mistakes in it?

  • Melih Ayyildiz_22506
    Melih Ayyildiz_22506 Altair Community Member
    edited December 2023

    These are instructions from the tutorial:


  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024

    Hi, Sorry for the delay. 

    There is non mistake on the tutorial, It is done in such a way in order to recover the physical quantities in the optimization part. This will no longer be the case with the new version of Flux.
