Strategy and guide to mesh an .stmod file for import to Sim lab for impact analysis.

MROWL Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

Have created a .stmod file . Need Impact study.  I assume I need to mesh. I can't import  an  stmod file into Hyperworks 2022 ( get MODEL - no display ) Where do I mesh it and then how do I get it into simLab to run impact .Have Student edition of Inspire- Walking thru, refreshing my past skills to mentor students  If my approach is wrong, please  provide a roadmap Thanks!  





  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024

    You can only export the mesh (not sure in student version) from Inspire in OptiStruct format.

    If you really want to use the same mesh, you could probably import this mesh into SimLab and setup the Explicit analysis run there. You would need to recreate the contacts, and other stuff.

    But in the end, I'd say that it is pretty straightforward to perform everything in SimLab, specially if you take a look at the SimLab learning center contents (file>>Help>>Learning Center).

    In SL:

    - import geom

    - create mesh controls if needed

    - create shell mesh

    - create solid mesh

    - create impact solution

    - define materials and properties

    - check the element quality and timestep (if needed rework the mesh to avoid low timestep)

    - define contacts

    - define BCs and kinematics (init vel and/or gravity) and their curves

    - define analysis params and output requests

    - run the model
