What is the best way to convert an implicit body to a solid for export?

Bocaj22 Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

I have an implicit model (not lattice) that I would like to convert back to a solid, export as parasolid and use in our CAD program (keeping as an implicit or mesh is not an option unfortunately). What is the recommended route to maximize accuracy? Convert to mesh and create polynurbs surface with many faces? Any other approaches?





  • Antonio Flores_21377
    Antonio Flores_21377
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2023

    Hi Jacob,

    There are a couple ways to do that based on the shape and complexity.

    First one and normally the best approach is to use the Fit tool of the PolyNurbs in Inspire.
    This will require more patches if the implicit part is more dense and to get more precision.
    If the implicit part is very dense or complex this might not be possible or the quality might not be enough,
    so it all depends on the actual part to be rebuilt.

    Second way still struggles with complexity but conceptually is just a kind of 1 to 1 conversion
    from polygons to Nurbs, where every polygon would become a Nurbs patch so you would keep
    exactly the same shape, which in this case has pros and cons due to the nature of the shape.
    I have a video to show how to do this with Inspire Studio and here it is:

    Hope this helps.


  • Bocaj22
    Bocaj22 Altair Community Member
    edited January 2024

    Hi Jacob,

    There are a couple ways to do that based on the shape and complexity.

    First one and normally the best approach is to use the Fit tool of the PolyNurbs in Inspire.
    This will require more patches if the implicit part is more dense and to get more precision.
    If the implicit part is very dense or complex this might not be possible or the quality might not be enough,
    so it all depends on the actual part to be rebuilt.

    Second way still struggles with complexity but conceptually is just a kind of 1 to 1 conversion
    from polygons to Nurbs, where every polygon would become a Nurbs patch so you would keep
    exactly the same shape, which in this case has pros and cons due to the nature of the shape.
    I have a video to show how to do this with Inspire Studio and here it is:

    Hope this helps.


    Hi Antonio,

    Thank you for the response and video. Do you know if the 1:1 conversion is possible in Inspire 2023? Or do you need to use Inspire Studio?

