Tetcollapse occurs by overlapping elements in Updated versions
Altair Community Member
I Use to do 2d mesh using simlab and later i will convert it to tetra using 3D - Tetramesh. currently i am using Hypermesh 2019.
when i convert the same mesh to tetra using higher versions (Hypermesh 2020.1, 2021.2, 2022.1). I End up with some tetra collapse and Vol AR error. Does it HM bug?. Mostly error shows over the elements. It means if I delete the overlapped elements. tetcollapse error is resolved. but there is no problem in 2D mesh, if we check by taking faces. please refer the video of it in attached ppt. anyone help me with this.
Thanks In advance.
Are you able to share the original 2d mesh model?
I am not able to reproduce the issue on a similar setup.