Automating Measurments in Feko
I am trying to Automate taking measurements with FEKO
Basically I want to generate a large data set to train a neural network
Specifically I want to write a Lua script that will do the following:
1) Generate a setup of a couple random objects (cubes, spheres,... other basic objects) In random positions and with random sizes constrained by some size constraints; that are let's say perfect electric conductors for now
2) set up a source 6 feet away and send a wave at the objects that were just generated
3) Run simulation and Record the Hy component of the fields at 6 evenly spaced points close to the objects
4) move both the source and measurement location by a distance interval and send out wave again, and take measurmet of the 6 Hy points of the field at the new location
5) repeat for many times, taking measurements of the 6 evenly spaced Hy fields at many different locations with the source also moving each time
6) repeat steps 1-5 generating a new scenario with a few new random objects and move both source location and measurement location many times and record measurements
7) store all obtained data in a file
I have been trying to do this for a while but can't seem to find a solution anywhere, any help would be appreciated
Many thanks
Duplicate post.