The imported assembly has no automatically assigned collors

Hi All
I have imported an assembly from Catia file and also from a single part Catia containing same parts, but they get imported all in gray! It gets too time consuming to correct them in Hyperworks! is there any automatic way for that?
I also need an advice: I work on an electronic board. So one way was importing it into Simlab, but I found it very incomplete in order to create bolted connections. should I have done it there? it was easier to mesh, but I stopped in connector creation. I just needed to create the RBE2 elements, should I do all in Hyperworks and then how to export it to simlab or how to export it to Abaqus?
also: since the parts in CATIA are imported from Altium, some of them are shell and some solid : how do I convert a shell to solid? how do make a shell structure rigid?
sorry for many question in one post
Do you need specific colors or does random assigned colors work? If random colors work, you can right click on the parts and then use the option below to auto assign colors to the parts.