Motion View Template -activate/deactivate Forces

Hello erveryone,
for a motion simulation i wrote a Template to deactivate a force at a specific timestep an activate a new force. It didnt work as i wanted, because the first force stays the the whole Time.
Maybe someone see the problem and can help
here the Template
analysis_type = "Transient"
end_time = "0.5"
print_interval = "0.01"
element_type = "Force"
element_id = "{frc_0.idstring}"
element_type = "Force"
element_id = "{frc_1.idstring}"
analysis_type = "Transient"
end_time = "0.8"
print_interval = "0.01"
Hello Michael - Are you getting any warnings or errors either in MotionView or MotionSolve ?
Without having a look at the model, it is hard to pinpoint where the problem is. Here are some pointers
- When you turn of the Edit checkbox on the template, are there any errors? does the element id gets the right id number?
- Could you please verify that the type of template is of type "Solver Command"
- Can you try changing "Force" to "FORCE" for the element_type? (I dont think this is the cause though)
- Does the second force activate successfully?
Can you post a snap of your model tree showing the model heirarchy, as to where the force is and where the template is defined
0 -
Praful Prabhu_20784 said:
Hello Michael - Are you getting any warnings or errors either in MotionView or MotionSolve ?
Without having a look at the model, it is hard to pinpoint where the problem is. Here are some pointers
- When you turn of the Edit checkbox on the template, are there any errors? does the element id gets the right id number?
- Could you please verify that the type of template is of type "Solver Command"
- Can you try changing "Force" to "FORCE" for the element_type? (I dont think this is the cause though)
- Does the second force activate successfully?
Can you post a snap of your model tree showing the model heirarchy, as to where the force is and where the template is defined
Hello Praful Prabhu,
thank you for your help. I found the problem the template was not in the type " Solver command".
I tought i choose it but it wasnt.Thanks