.efe superposition for mapping with PostFEKO

Arthur Fouss
Arthur Fouss Altair Community Member
edited February 20 in Community Q&A


I am facing a PostFEKO related issue : I want to perform a Electric field map based on multiple .efe files imported in PostFEKO. The problem is that some E-field coordinates sometimes superpose and I would like to have the maximum value of E-field in this case. Do you know if it would be possible to perform this in PostFEKO ?

Here is a screenshot of my mapping at the moment.



Thank you,




  • Torben Voigt
    Torben Voigt
    Altair Employee
    edited February 20

    Hi @Arthur Fouss ,

    A workaround would of course be to use a tool such as Excel, Matlab etc. to calculate the respective maximum values per position and create a new efe file.

    At first I thought that perhaps the "Advanced Field Processing" macro in POSTFEKO could take care of this, but this is apparently not the case. Or I'm missing something, maybe you'll have better luck:


    Best regards,