2.45GHz Patch Antenna Simulation

Marcus Chang
Marcus Chang Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Dear support team,


Recently I try to simulate a very simple patch antenna working at 2.45 GHz, but it show an error message as below, please check it:


ERROR 3849: Wrong specification of the medium for a metallic triangle 


and I try to open POSTFEKO and use 'Find Element' method, to see the problems occurs by which triangle, but two meshes seemed like not overlap.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Capture.thumb.PNG.4c1bdcf53fe2d458db5937d425b3f7da.PNG


can you help us check what's going on in my simulation?


Thanks a lot!






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  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2019

    Hi Marcus


    I see there are many parts in the geometry tree. For a continuous mesh to be generated, you must Union all the parts.
    Then you must set the appropriate Region and Face properties.


    I would also rather use a waveguide port.

  • Marcus Chang
    Marcus Chang Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019

    Dear Mel,


    I have tried to union all the parts, and it still didn't work.

    And also, due to there is an error if I use waveguide port, so I use lump port alike, to excite it.

    It would be grateful if you can help us modify the settings for this simulation.



  • Marcus Chang
    Marcus Chang Altair Community Member
    edited June 2019

    Dear Mel,


    Is there any update for the modified .cfx file?

    Looking forward receiving your response.



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2019

    It would be simpler to first get the design working with a simpler port construction, such as the edge feed.


    Attach the cfx.

    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog