Things to check in hypermesh model for the error mentioned in description from ANSYS Modal run

Hello Team,
I am struggling with error (mentioned below) from the ANSYS Modal run for full vehicle frame model:
*** ERROR *** SUPPRESSED MESSAGE CP = 361.113 TIME= 12:08:58
A large negative pivot value ( -7.647801779E-03 ) has been encountered
in the global assembled matrix at the UZ degree of freedom of node
1418289. This may be caused by a bad temperature-dependent material
property used in the model.
Everytime the node number (in this case: 1418289) will be different (anywhere in the model) from modal runs.
Which checks I am supposed to do in my hypermesh model to avoid such error?
Please help me to resolve this error.
I am not familiar with that error, you may need to reach out to Ansys support.
You can use the Model Checker to see if it gets flagged.