*** ERROR # 2784 *** Solver failed in the eigen solution of reduced order model, due to the ill-conditioning of the FEA model.

I am trying to run an analysis of a solid model based on steps described in ''HowTo_OptiStruct_Flux'' tutorial included in the tutorial install directory. I want to make an vibro-acoustic analysis of an electric motor based on imported forces from Altair Flux. Currently dealing with basics and I want to make analysis on a simple motor from Flux Overlay import. I have assigned mesh, load steps, materials and constraints as in the tutorial, but I got quite a few errors. Some of them I have already managed to solve thx to this forum.
Now I ran into a problem below, that I cannot find a solution online or cannot solve it myself. Full error text in attached file.
*** ERROR # 2784 ***
Solver failed in the eigen solution of reduced order model,
due to the ill-conditioning of the FEA model.
Please check if there is any message about mechanisms printed above,
make proper fix and rerun with it.
Some other possible causes and solutions:
1. Solver may fail due to extreme large upper bound in EIGRL/A card.
Reduce the upper bound.
2. Solver may fail due to nearly rigid body modes:
Set PARAM,RBMEIG to be higher than the eigenvalue of the highest
rigid body modes.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
Solved with refining the mesh.