Contacts for planetary gearing system

Diogenis Tsichlakis
Diogenis Tsichlakis Altair Community Member
edited September 2022 in Community Q&A


I am trying to create a mulltibody model of a 2 stages planetary gearing system. When I insert the first contact, gears work correct, when I insert the second, I get the message : Contact graphics undefined for contact force [id=301001]!

When i try different set of gears, the same error appears for the second contact. 

Is there a constrain for the student version ? Or I should try to change my CAD files ? 

I want to perform a dynamic analysis and stress calculations for one of the gears, that's why i have to use contacts and no couplers. 

Thank you in advance for your help !


  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2022

    Hello Diogenis

    For contacts, MotionSolve requires mesh for the components. So, MotionView invokes Hypermesh in the background during export to generate mesh for the components involved in contact and send it to the solver.

    In the student version, though there are no major limitations in MotionView and MotionSolve, there are limitations in Hypermesh and HyperView. I believe the export from Hypermesh is limited to 10000 nodes/elements.

    My suspicion is when you add more contacts, you are encountering this limit from Hypermesh.

    Is it possible to share the model/files ?

