CFD on a 2D airfoil

Diogenis Tsichlakis
Diogenis Tsichlakis Altair Community Member
edited July 2022 in Community Q&A


I am trying to build a 2D airfoil and execute a fluid dynamic analysis.

Is it possible to design my airfoil (using data points) and generate my mesh inside HyperWorks CFD or should i built my model in HyperMesh and then import in HW CFD ?

Is it better to use HW CFD or AcuConsole ?


  • Hakan_20716
    Hakan_20716 Altair Community Member
    edited June 2022

    You can complete pre and post-processing within the HyperWorks CFD.

    With the 2022 version, AcuConsole is no longer included in the installation package. You can find step-by-step and video examples in HyperWorks CFD help.




  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022

    If you are already familiar with creating the geometry from your data points in HyperMesh/HyperWorks, I would go that route - then export a ParaSolid to import to HyperWorks CFD for meshing and simulation setup/solve.

    Note that AcuSolve does not have a 2D-Planar solver, so you need to extrude to one element thick.  It is recommended to make the thickness thicker than you would expect, as very thin volumes sometimes create problems for convergence.