Generating mesh for stl model vith complex geometry

Sofia la Croix
Sofia la Croix Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello riecently I start to work in your programm HyperMesh, I enjoy it very mush, so many posobilities!  'Ngn vet inte vad han skall fästa blicken på', as we say. 

And becouse I am in the 3d printing theme. (Frankly, for me it is almost art! :rolleyes:/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif' title=':rolleyes:' />) I really want to use your program for meshing some breathtaking geometries for my customers. They need some speciefic requirements in the main strength characteristics. Ussually I used Abaqus for this properties but for complex geometry it could be sometimes very tricky and I was recomended to use your program. Could you tell me how to mesh complex stl model in Hypermesh, please?


As I uderstood, reading your forum, first of all I need to do open stl: File > Import > File type > STL;

then I need to create a geometry from mesh: Geom > surfaces from FE (elems - all; feature edges; complexity 10) [sometimes Hyper writes that he failed to create some surfaces, wich is oddly];

And then I can`t create solid, Hyper writes created 0 solid elements and 0 nodes :(/emoticons/default_sad.png' srcset='/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x' title=':(' width='20' />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Hyper1.jpg



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019

    If STL has good-enough quality for FE mesh, you not need to create geometry (surface/solid), you work directly over STL.


  • Sofia la Croix
    Sofia la Croix Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019

    Well I found some problems with geometry, thank you Q.Nguyen-Dai very much. I fixed it but as I undestood I must to do all preporation in Hyper and use Abaqus only for calculation, becouse I can`t create Asambley in Abaqus. Or am I doing something wrong?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Hyper.jpg