about *createplane using method
Hi everyone, I have a question and would like to seek guidance from you experienced seniors.
I want to use three selected points to form a plane and cut a solid. The syntax is as follows:
*createmark solids 1 1
*createplane 1 0.721742695 0 -2.38736917e-15 0 -45.2974491 3.50480741e-15
*body_splitmerge_with_plane solids 1 1
Regarding the command description for *createplane, it is as follows:
Defines a plane for use in a subsequent command.
*createplane plane_id normal_x normal_y normal_z base_x base_y base_z
I selected three points, but how can I obtain the normal vector of these three points, specifically the "normal_x normal_y normal_z"?
it may be helpful to learn cross product. If you choose A B C three points, the normal vector n can be obtained by n=ABxAC. The Matlab function is n=cross(B-A, C-A).