why is monarch changing the font for some characters

Michael Denman
Michael Denman Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

This doesn't always happen, but I've noticed that some PDFs I receive look totally fine but when Monarch reads them some letters get replaced with some other garbage characters.  For example, I see :

10099 · Accounts Receivable

but Monarch reads it as :

10099 · Accounts eceiable  

Is there a setting somewhere that I might try using to correct this?




  • mabdolrahim_1357
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Hi Michael,

    There is no specific settings, other than changing a different PDF engine. 


    I have seen this behavior in Monarch when rendering PDF reports, specially when its scanned PDF.  I believe there might be a font within the PDF report that is not recognized by the Monarch PDF engine.

    You may want to send the PDF report to Altair support (dasupport@altair.com) to be researched.



  • Michael Denman
    Michael Denman Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    I tried the other engines but it didn't help.  It's not a scanned PDF.  I use totally different software for that since I know Monarch doesn't convert scanned PDFs.  It's just really odd when this happens and it doesn't happen very often.  I just thought there might possibly be some known issue or a setting I hadn't thought to try (like that Engine Version).  Thanks!

  • mabdolrahim_1357
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    I tried the other engines but it didn't help.  It's not a scanned PDF.  I use totally different software for that since I know Monarch doesn't convert scanned PDFs.  It's just really odd when this happens and it doesn't happen very often.  I just thought there might possibly be some known issue or a setting I hadn't thought to try (like that Engine Version).  Thanks!

    The scanned document that i mentioned wasn't imaged in the PDF.  The software that scanned the hard copy document, created a PDF report in which the data was selectable.

    PDF that contains images cannot be used in Monarch.
