real-time data collection & plotting over serial connection (or otherwise)

Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

<I am posting this on behalf of a friend who is an engineer mentoring a FIRST Robotics team .  He asked me for this specific help with Compose and, in turn, I am asking you members of our worldwide online community for Compose.  Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions you can provide.>


This FIRST mentor would like to help the students on his team do simple real-time charts with data coming in from a device over a serial connection (or perhaps wirelessly). He is aware of examples out there for doing it with MATLAB, but is exploring other options as he he doesn't have any MATLAB licenses, saying  'It's too expensive for my little lab...' 


Can anyone think of a way to achieve this goal by using Compose?


Specifically, my friend is putting together a demo of some of their robot's sensors and is looking for a way to plot data as it comes in over a serial connection.  He says he has a hack that puts the data into Excel as it comes in, but it's clunky.  He is also looking at using a scripting language tool called Processing.  


If such a solution is possible with Compose, he feels sure that his FIRST team would use it a lot (and so would many other teams, possibly) as they try out new sensors, control signals for drives, etc.



  • robertavarela
    robertavarela New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019



    Maybe I don't understand your request, but it seems to be that this kind of application would be a good fit for Altair Embed, where your control algorithm runs in real-time on the target microcontroller.



